miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009

A place in Chile

I`d like to tell you about a great place that I went when I was in school, I was in Segundo medio when I visited this beautiful place callede Termas Geométricas, they were located near Pucón, you have to travel very much in a 4x4 to arrive to this place, because the road was very difficult. I went to this place with a friend of mine called Natalia and with her family. We stayed in Pucón during 2 weeks and one day we visited this place, you only could stay during the day because there was no place to sleep and there was no electric light in this place.

This termas were very special because they were in the middle of the nature, how I mentioned there was no electric light and they were in the middle of nowhere so you were really relaxed , you had no preoccupations, no city, no studies, no noises, no nothing.

The last post

My blogging experience is not that new, because I already have a blog where I write about my life and I share some ideas with my friends , the new experience that I have, is that I have to write in English in it. It was very great for me because I didn´t write in English that much since I was in school, where I had to write, speak and listen very much in English ,so this activity has helped me very much to remind things that I have forgotten.
I think that writing in a blog it´s a good way to improve my English because it helps you to think in English about different subjects , that is an important thing when you are learning a new language, also it helps you to improve your grammar,it improves the number of words you know ,but also it helps you to learn more about different web pages and their uses.
I think that the advantages are the things that I mentioned already , we improve our English, we can express our ideas in a better way, me share with our classmates our point of view, we learn from our mistakes and from the mistakes of the other classmates.
And the disadvantages are that we are very tired at this hour, is really and effort to think , and more if you have to think in other language also a disadvantage is that you can distract in the computer with the other programs like msn or other web pages . I think that this are the only disadvantages, I like the way the class is composed , you have different activities and they are very active so you don´t have the time to get sleepy and I think that teacher really make an effort to prepare new and fun activities.